
Wireless speakers specifically for audiobooks

Hi all, I’m the founder of Dio, a company building affordable multi-room speakers. I started my company because I’ve gotten really into audiobooks, but there isn’t a viable option to easily keep listening to my books while I do things around the house. Earphones and Bluetooth speakers are a hassle, so I decided to make super affordable speakers that you can place all over your home that make it easy to keep listening as you go from room to room. I wanted to post here to see if this really is just a ‘me problem’ or if other audiobibliophiles would care to see something like this happen. I’ve just opened up reservations for this product where you can get a huge discount once I’m ready to kick off speaker sales, so please check it out at also appreciate any feedback you may have for the concept in the comments! via /r/audiobooks

Categories: funny, photos