
Do you have “passion” for coding?

I just had to make a rant about this, because I am so utterly tired of employers talking about passion.It’s like it’s a special thing in this industry, that developers are supposed to have all the time.It’s the subtle expectatation that you will work overtime whenever they want, that you are so interested in coding that you just wanna work 12 hours a day. And when you get off work, you wanna code some more.It’s also the worst excuse in the world for an employer to implant an sick mentality in the minds of their employees, making them feel coeerced to not going home when their shift is technically over.If I hear one more potential employer asking me if I’m passionate at a job interview I might throw up.Yes I’m passionate, passionate enough to come in when I need to work and to leave when my shift is over. And hey once in a while if you ask nicely and it’s really needed I might do some overtime. That’s the extent of my passion.I once had an employer (for a job I turned down) tell me that he was looking for someone with passion, he elaborated on what that meant. It meant someone who didn’t just leave when their shift is over (basically guilt tripping me in advance if I didn’t wanna work more than my contract says).So are you a passionate developer? Or are you tired of being expected to be “passionate”?I’m tired of people talking about passion in this industry. via /r/webdev

Categories: funny, photos